This is my second blog
My name is Fakhrul Amin. Im student of mechanical engineering in UMP with normal student's life. I'm camera freak with photography minds and thinking, and been joined in many events as official photographer. Been living in Ipoh Perak since i child, then moving in Kuantan Pahang in year 2007. Born in 1990. My previous schools and academic background
SMK Anderson Ipoh 2003-2007
SMK Bukit Rangin Ktn 2007
Matriculation KMPh 2008/2009
UMP 2009 till ......
This is my first entry in this blog, so let me introduce and tell about myself. Actually this is my first time I'm in university. Oh man, I'm here, what am I doing here? Although engineering is not my top wish list to be, I want to be a teacher actually. Continue my family generation, my father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher and my elder sister is a teacher. And i'm wannabe teacher too!! But maybe luck was not on my side at that time, and be chosen to take Degree in Mechanical Engineering at UMP. First time i checked at UPU official site, and be informed that I were chosen in that university, I had total zero feeling at that particular time like 'oh...., ok'. That is not customary for me. I'm just happy because it is located near to my house in Kuantan.
Engineering?? hm .. this is my long, long long path to go. This is what I want to be, and any interferences to weak me are totally be ignored. Do not give up Fakhrul. Yet I'm starting to love UMP.
BTW, do comment my blog, if anything just buzz me to let me know.
Fakhrul Amin